SoftWindows is a Mac application that will let you run MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows-based applications in a window on your Macintosh monitor. The datasheets contained in this folder have more information, otherwise just try it and see!
What you need:
• A 68040 or 68030 based Macintosh. (Please note a 68040 is recommended to run Windows)
If you have a Power Macintosh, this demo is not for you. Insignia has a Power Macintosh version of SoftWindows available. (see More Information below)
• About 25Mbytes of free disk space.
• 8Mbytes or more of Macintosh memory. Windows likes a lot of memory so 12 or 16Mytes is best. RAMDoubler or Virtual Memory both work with SoftWindows but are not as fast as having real RAM chips installed. If you only want to run DOS, you don't need this much memory. Insignia's SoftPC product will run DOS applications on a 4Mbyte Macintosh. (see More Information below)
How to Install:
This folder contains two SoftWindows applications, one set up for an optimum amount of memory and the other set up with the minimum required to run Windows.
• Copy one of the SoftWindows applications and the "SoftWindows Hard Disk File C" to your hard disk.
• Then, on your hard disk, drag the SoftWindows Hard Disk File C and drop it onto the SoftWindows application. (You only need to do this the first time - after that just double click the SoftWindows application)
• Enter your name and company information then click the Demo button. Click OK to confirm you want a demo version.
• SoftWindows will now start, just like a PC, in MS-DOS. To start Windows type WIN and press Enter.
More Information:
For more information on how to optimise SoftWindows - see the ReadMe file in this folder.
For information about Insignia's other products - see the Datasheets folder.
For some great offers on Insignia's range of compatibility products - see the Insignia Solutions advertisement in this issue of MacFormat.